Friday, 15 June 2012

Trading Faces: Paul Apps - Fine Artist

  Continuing my Trading Faces project, today saw me shoot a portrait of my good mate, Paul Apps. 

  I only met him quite recently, but already we are firm friends, due in no small part to his excellent appreciation of coffee, and wicked sense of humour. I have even enjoyed a couple of impromptu photo shoots out in the streets of Hythe with him and beautiful models.

   Paul has a studio in Hythe High Street, where he paints his amazing wildlife and landscape scenes, and also art nudes. He runs several classes which are well attended, covering a range of topics, and he is a big fan of cool headwear.

  I love this photo of him, because it's a stereotype image of an artist in many ways, and yet a true depiction of my friend - somebody who in no way could be called "stereotypical". I love the colours on the palette too! 

  Visit Paul's virtual studio at or find him on Facebook and Twitter!

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

You can't win...

Untitled by Way Ahead Photography
Untitled, a photo by Way Ahead Photography on Flickr.

Photographers are damned creatures. If we dare to flaunt our wares in public, at a wedding or an event, it is inevitable that we will be challenged with the phrase "Oh - you're the PROFESSIONAL photographer are you?" by some ancient relative with a bigger lens on his Nikon.

Often I have even been asked directly "So what makes YOU a professional photographer?" - usually backed up with a withering glance at my woefully inadequately-sized camera/lens. My favourite reply is simply "I am being paid"

The double standards are that whilst we're being told by such antagonists we're no bigger/better/bolder than anybody else out there, that we are not required or wanted out there, when we DO produce the goods, the excuse is made that it's because we have "a better camera". I find this baffling - surely EVERYONE can buy these cameras? Surely the playing (or perhaps poppy) field is levelled?

If the "better camera" is the explanation, how come there are so many awful photos on Facebook?

These series of psychadelic photos were me having a bit of fun on an app available for free, to everyone. Amateur or professional...

Amusingly I've already had somebody point out the simplicity of what I've done - it's not like I've "done it myself" - ANYONE could take that app and do this...

But the fact remains - I've DONE it. I've taken action. I've chosen my path. And here is the result.

And that - Mr Wedding Antagonist, is why I am a professional... choice, and actions.

Monday, 11 June 2012

Trading Faces - Press Release

  Way Ahead Photography is proud to announce that Luke will be undertaking an exciting new photography project called Trading Faces. This project is already underway and expected to take several months to complete.

Cugleys of Hythe

    Inspired very much by the "Small Trades" series of photos taken by Vogue's amazing photographer Irving Penn in the 1950s, Luke will be inviting the local high street traders and business owners to pose for a portrait. In the current financial climate, the high street like so many others is finding it tough going, and Luke felt that it would be great to embark on a project designed to raise awareness of the wonderful array of diverse shops and businesses on offer in Hythe High Street.

Kate - Chocolate Deli

   The project is intended to draw out the individual characters and personalities of all the wonderful folk who make Hythe such a fantastic place to visit and to shop in. Not only are they extremely knowledgeable in their fields, they are friendly, funny and fascinating. And sometimes downright quirky too!
Loraine - Elysian Treasures

    Once Luke has photographed as many traders as possible, the plan is to hold a "safari exhibition" in the high street. The photos will be displayed in the windows of shops and businesses taking part, and the public will be invited to collect or download a map showing the location of each exhibit. As an addition to this there will be a "treasure hunt" style quiz included with the map - which will give one lucky person the chance to win a free portrait photo shoot at the Way Ahead Photography studio!
Ruth (and Harvey!) - Stuff

    Luke is already under way with the project and is looking forward to meeting and photographing as many people as possible. If you have not already contacted him and would like your business to be involved, you can contact him by phoning 07956 584178 or emailing And of course keep checking back here for progress!

The Photographer!!!