Wednesday 25 February 2009

The Hero

The Hero
Originally uploaded by Luke Y
I am preparing for an interview for college for a photography degree. One of the themes that I would like to pursue is "The Hero". I started thinking about this in relation to the picture here of Norman - my wife's granddad. Not only did he serve in the navy during and after WW2, he then went on to become a fireman, and doubtless saved many lives - both in war and peace times.

I snapped this photo of him and was instantly aware that something of this character could be seen - a tough, dependable man, probably having seen a lot of scary/shocking stuff in his time. Experiences have hardened him, left him with memories and probably scarred him for life in many ways. And yet here is a man who loves life, and lives every second of it far better and more gratefully than some lucky git like me will probably ever manage.

Having lived my whole life as I want, with no threat of being dragged off to war, I owe Norman and others a huge debt. In some way perhaps I can say thank you to these guys thru photography.

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